Guides for Fantastic Fall Landscape

Gardening and landscaping services in San Mateo CA

Guides for Fantastic Fall Landscape

Yard Cleanup

A little fall planning and prepping can truly rev up the spring season. Autumn is the moment to clean up beds, take care of soils, prepare sod as well as lessen issues in the new growing season. It’s additionally the moment to plant spring-blooming bulbs as well as pull out tender summer bloomers. Fall garden preparation is just one of those maintenance tasks that will aid ensure a lovely and plentiful yard following season. Follow a few fall garden tips for a worry-free winter and more free time in spring. Let’s see some of the best tips for fantastic fall landscaping:


  1. Care for Your Lawn

Looking for landscaping care that goes a long way? Know how to properly care for your lawn. If tended properly for each season, your grass will withstand the cool winter weather and be ready to grow lush and thick in spring.


  1. Clear Away Leaves

Many homeowners dislike raking leaves, which can get tedious during Oklahoma’s windy, chilly autumns. But staying on top of raking has several advantages.


  1. Plant Fall Greenery

Many plants actually need to be planted in autumn, ideally in October and November, to have time to lay dormant and build roots. This allows them to grow beautifully in springtime. 


  1. Add Splashes of Color

Just because it’s autumn, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on enjoying bright colors outside and inside your home. There are many ways to do so.


  1. Install Additional Lighting and Other Features

To take your landscape to the next level and transform your outdoor spaces into lovely, functional areas year-round, don’t limit yourself to plants and grass. Think about other features that also add value and beauty to your landscaping.


  1. Drainage 

With all the rain this spring and summer, you may have noticed spots where you could benefit from better drainage. Install it now, and you won’t have to worry about it come spring. Let our team give you expert advice on how to solve your landscaping drainage needs effectively.


  1. Design Your Landscape for Every Season

Once your yard is cared for and looking its best for fall and winter, why not take the next step and design a look for your landscaping that you’ll love year-round. At ProActive Landscaping, we help you determine the best plants for your needs, install outdoor lighting that makes your landscaping features pop, and create beautiful spaces such as pergolas that elevate your home to the next level.

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